

Project 1:
Conquer Life Keepsake/Memory Box

What you'll need:
- Box or basket or container { the choice is yours }
- Fabric or Scrapbook Paper
- Ribbon or any decorative accents

The idea is pretty basic, we just want a place to keep all the items we create for the group, or cards/goodies sent to us by other members. Here are a couple cute ideas:

Project 2:
Conquer Life Fabric Project

What you'll need:
- Fabric:
[ Go through your fabric stash or stop by and pick out 1 - 3 different fabrics, { for example: Fabric } Doesn't need to be expensive or large. ]
- Permanent Marker or Fabric Paint
- Quote, Poem, Mantra
- Scissors
- Envelopes & Stamps & Pen
- Thread { any }, Ribbon, Frame, Glue.. < ~~~ All of these are optional ~~~
- Camera

What to do:
- Cut your fabric into as many pieces as the people participating **include yourself**
- Write your mantra, word, quote on the fabric & sign your name
- Mail a swatch of fabric to each lady **include yourself**
- Collect all fabric from everyone, arrange as you like:
• sew together -OR-
• Make Bookmarks -OR-
• Frame -OR-
• Use Fabric to cover the CL Keepsake Box!
• Take a photo of your creation[s] & post to the group!

Project 3:
The Happiness Jar!

What you'll need:
- 1 Large Glass Jar
- Scrap paper & a pen
- Any goodies you wanted to decorate your jar..

What to do:
- Every day, take a scrap of paper and write down the best moment of your day
- Fold it up & toss it into the jar
- Repeat until full

You can go back and read over them, make a mini-scrapbook of them, make a collage, anything you like with them. They are great reminders of the goodness that has taken place. The things we forget when negativity overwhelms us. The great thing is, once you've emptied the jar you can start over! :D


  1. Working on mine now. Not sure if I want to go all Fabric for the lid as well.

  2. I haven't found a box I like yet.. but I'm doing a lot of clean up & get rid of right now, maybe I'll run across something. LOL

  3. I'm game for the fabric one.. when do we have to have it done by? I'm all about fabrics :D

  4. I am game for that one too.. I don't have a deadline yet, since nobody else has commented.. LOL

  5. Hahaha ok. I'm gonna get thinking!
