
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Letter to Self Challenge!!!

How to do it:

  1. Letter 1, written from your SUPER-HERO self.. write to the "self" you don't like.. the "fat" self, or the "useless" self, or the "hated" self.. Ask yourself what's bothering you. Tell yourself why you love her so much { as if you were writing to a good friend.. }, also tell yourself that you are NOT those negative things.
  2. Letter 2, written from your negative self in response to your SUPER-HERO self.. Answer the questions, respond to what's wrong, what makes you feel the way you do. What you are struggling with, what's challenging or frustrating for you. Tell your SUPER-HERO self what you need to feel better.
  3. Letter 3, written from your SUPER-HERO self back to your negative self. Talk to yourself the way you would to a good friend. Positive reinforcement, compliment what is positive. Understand the pain, feel what the issue is, advise the negative you accordingly. Get at the root of the issue, find out what to do to forgive, forget, let go. Offer support, love and acceptance. Keep reminding yourself of this. Remind yourself you are worthy of taking these steps, of healing, of making the world right for yourself, no matter how long it takes.

I would say, go 1 step further and if you type up letters to yourself, keep them in a place that you can find them later and review when you need a boost. Perhaps print them, put them in an envelope and keep tucked away. If you hand write them, hide them away in a special place { journal, favorite book, jewelry box..}. These letters, just by writing them really help expose our feelings & what may truly be hidden inside us, we start the healing process just by getting it out. 

DEADLINES for the challenge in steps!

Week 1: Letter 1
Due: Saturday, November 3 

Week 2: Letter 2
Due: Saturday, November 10 

Week 3: Letter 3
Due: Saturday, November 17 


  1. I am a tad bit behind the letters but some of it is from my feminine post in the group.

  2. No worries, I don't think anyone else saw it anyway. I will rearrange the dates. :)
