
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Secret Santa Success!

So, I know it was a little rough this go-round. We all had some stuff going on. Mailing issues and what have you.. but after checking everything out and seeing how people have reacted to all their goodies.. I think we can call our official A.S.S. a grand success!

I think we all had a blast with it, the shopping will get easier, the mailing will become easier. Maybe we've all learned little things, like sending from Canada into the States is a lot of trouble, perhaps Amazon is the way to go! LOL Also, shipping from the States to Canada was less of an issue, but having to write out every single item that was in the box, estimate it's value, estimate it's weight, use multiple forms to get it all listed.. I mean and on and on! LOL.. it was all good fun though. I am glad we all got to have that spark of excitement when we got the mail.

I don't know about you girls, but I had a blast! I am wondering if doing a simple themed Card exchange would be fun? Your thoughts? Maybe on a NON-holiday time dealie.. we can figure out some other type of exchange. COOKIES! lol Or.. Candy! LOL.. whatever.. I know that's sorta crazy, but it's just a thought. Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts on how this all went. Perhaps what you learned or what you'd do differently next time.

Thank you girls for giving me something to look forward to this season, I don't typically enjoy this time of the year, so this has been truly wonderful for me. Thank you all so much! Love you all!
